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FIFA; will upgrading nine stadiums in Tanzania

THE World Football Federation organ (FIFA) will assist in upgrading nine stadiums in different regions to help improve football skills in the country and the world at large.
Minister for Information, Culture, Arts and Sports Dr. Harrison Mwakyembe told the press in Dar es Salaam that FIFA has assured the country for the construction of nine pitches.
Tanzania Mainland will have seven 7 stadiums while Zanzibar will upgrade 2 stadiums.
“FIFA has agreed our request to have the stadiums upgraded to uplift soccer skills in the country,” he said.
The minister said the TFF, FIFA and the government will collaborate to ensure that the planned programme is executed effectively where two stadiums will be built each year.
FIFA contributes £1.2million equivalent to Sh2.7bn every year for the improvement Africa Football Federations.
Azania Post

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