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Apple revenues were weaker to Samsung’s prior to iPhone X launch

While Apple was still able to make money hand over fist in the third quarter, it was not able to do so with the help of the iPhone X, which debuted this quarter. And as the iPhone 8 performed weakly, Samsung was able to make up ground, at least in financial rhetoric.
A Strategy Analytics report, as relayed through Yonhap, showed that Apple’s share of revenue in all of the smartphone industry stood at 32 percent, 8.9 percentage points ahead of Samsung in the summer. That gap stood at 15.5 points just two years ago.
On operating profits, Infinite Loop accounted for 69.9 percent of the market, 48.1 points above Samsung. In 2015, that difference stood at nearly the amount of share Apple has right now, 66.9 percent.
The report did not specify whether the cumulative markets grew or shrank for these figures as to say that either more revenue was directed toward Samsung or there was just less excitement for Apple’s newest iPhone 8 and 8 Plus — all other factors being constant.
Samsung retained a lead in global unit shipments, though, with a 21.2 percent share to Apple’s 11.4 percent

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